An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Senator Cruz, may I make a request? Please use your Twitter feed for purposes other than trying to show your superior wit and intellect. It just doesn’t work. Latest example. Getting into a kerfuffle with ex-CIA director John Brennan. “It’s bizarre to see a former head of the CIA consistently side with Iranian zealots who chant “Death to America.” And reflexively condemn Israel. Does Joe Biden agree?” This is the perfect illustration of taking a cogent coherently expressed concern and turning it into a simplistic taunt. Do you think that an assassination that could perhaps lead to WWIII is a laughing matter? And one suited to shallow political rhetoric? Now is not the time to taunt ourselves into a jingoistic conflict. You should know better. And if you don’t, you should leave government service. Mr. Brennan’s follow-up says it all... "Your lawless attitude & simple-minded approach to serious national security matters demonstrate that you are unworthy to represent the good people of Texas.” My sentiment exactly. We need adult leaders. Not wannabe mini-Trumps.

▶ Created on November 28, 2020 by Debbie

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