Resistbot Petition: DISMAL TIMES

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Getting hot in Texas. About to get hotter with our inadequate electric grid it’s sounding like. How bout some infrastructure assistance? Nevermind. I’m really writing in embarrassment that one of my senators is planning on being featured at a seriously nutty Q-anon fan club this evening. Senator Cruz, I expect they will love you there. The rest of us sane people, not so much. In fact it’s beyond concerning that you plan on attending, and I expect plan to continue to support, encourage, and spread more propaganda about non-existent election fraud. But I suppose, since the GOP is currently the party of anti-democracy anarchy, you see no problem with this. So, have lots of fun. Me, I’ll stay at home and enjoy my AC while it lasts. All while watching y’all contort yourselves trying to defend the constant drip drip drip of malfeasance left by the Trump administration. Y’all are doing yourselves no favors for the history books. Or the country. Or your constituents. And particularly, for our democracy.

▶ Created on June 15, 2021 by Debbie

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