Resistbot Petition: PASS THE POPCORN

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I admit it. I’m bored. Bored with reading the news. Bored with breathless headlines. Bored with he said she said. Bored with the political BS. The propaganda. The shallow gotcha discourse that passes for leadership. Yawn. But what I’m not bored with is the ever-increasing hope that the rule of law still matters. That our country, based on that notion, plugs along. Where people in power with a long view can cut through the daily noise with focus and determination. I’m speaking primarily of the January 6 Committee. But there are many other current examples to point to as well where bad actions are leading to appropriate consequences. The system is holding. As much as anarchy is being promoted over democracy, as chaos is being fomented as patriotism, the system is holding strong. Much as Covid 19 doesn’t care if you’re tired of wearing a mask or not, our legal system rolls on. Patiently. Thoroughly. Inevitably. And all the ‘witch hunt’ screaming in the world isn’t stopping it. Whining on TV isn’t stopping it. Conspiracy-theory spreading isn’t stopping it. Ranting in the cybersphere isn’t stopping it. So, for now, I’m not compelled to whine much either. I’m too busy watching our system of Democratic processes in action. And that’s definitely not boring.

▶ Created on February 16, 2022 by Debbie

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