Resistbot Petition: FINGERS CROSSED

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Groundhog Day. Again. And again. Another day. Another no-doubt failed attempt by the Republican House to elect a Speaker. Not for lack of candidates. Lots of guys seem to think they might be the chosen one. The problem is that all but two of the crowd voted to overthrow the results of the 2020 election. How is it that trying to subvert the Constitution you take an oath to defend not be disqualifying for a run for any elected office, much less the second in line to the Presidency? How is it even morally possible think that such an action is good for your party, the country, and the office of Speaker? And the thought that upholding your oath of office by certifying the results of a presidential election is now considered the high bar and not just a given, says it all about the current state of the GOP. Although in recent days y’all have seemingly been trying to work your own Twelve Step program by accepting responsibility for the congressional chaos we’re having to watch…I have to wonder how deep that sincerity goes. When even one of the two who were brave enough to go against their party and vote to certify the 2020 election results, acknowledging Biden’s win, feels the need to bend the knee to DJT in order to try and get get the Speaker job, I have my own personal doubts. I guess we’ll find out, hopefully, eventually, if and when y’all get a Speaker elected. In the interim, I offer the immortal words of MTG, “Which one of you have the balls to hold them accountable?” Nuff said.

▶ Created on October 24, 2023 by Debbie

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