Resistbot Petition: NONE OF THIS IS NORMAL

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. These days I’m pretty sure a lot of us alternate daily between outrage, dismay, disbelief, incredulity and outright WTF. Gazpacho police. Flushing of presidential documents down the royal throne. Efforts to seize voting machines. Plots to overthrow an election. Maybe even the government. Who knows how far it all goes. It alternates between truly dangerous and utterly comical. We’re exhausted. And it’s all coming from your side of the aisle. You must feel even worse than the rest of us. Cause you’re not only part of it, you’ve encouraged it. Encouraged it to the point that now there has to be a circular firing squad, because ignoring it all didn’t make it go away. It just lent it wings. Reading a number of things explaining why we as a species seem incapable of acknowledging and admitting events that occur right in front of our eyes is enlightening. The sheer audacity of crimes against the republic might be too great for many to absorb. Who wants to admit the person in whom they placed their faith acted purely in self-interest? We can’t fathom that American democracy is vulnerable, able to be derailed by bad actors entrusted with its safety. That an American president and his party would provide cover for bad actions and exploit it for their own gain seems an impossible scenario. The unrelenting efforts to confuse and outrage the citizenry undermine our collective sense of security and stability. We tune out because we can no longer bear it. But not everyone does, thankfully. The continued downplaying of unprecedented events and actions can only work if enough of the public either goes along, declines to pay attention, or doesn’t give a damn. “A president attempting a coup ought to define the political moment. A party that supports such a leader and his return to power ought to be scandalized and delegitimized. Failing the basic test of responsible governance—defending the Constitution—the GOP has proved itself unworthy of national stewardship. And yet the Republicans remain standing—and drool over the prospect of regaining control of Congress later this year.” Do voters really want to trust their country to people who think a violent insurrection instigated by the worst sore loser in history is “legitimate political discourse”? Elected office should not be given as a reward for subversion.

▶ Created on February 10, 2022 by Debbie

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