Resistbot Petition: DO THE RIGHT THING

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Hard to stay focused on just one item of concern these days. Will America survive with democracy intact? Will we manage to create immigration policy that doesn’t include razor wire and a shootout between states and the Feds? Will Israel and Gaza finally annihilate one another, ultimately resolving the need for a two-state solution? Will a new axis of evil arise out of our Congress’s inability to decide if Ukraine is deserving of saving from Russian aggression? And will SCOTUS finally determine once and for all if a President has unfettered immunity in all things forever and always? This is just a tip of things we are reminded daily to be worried about, but I’m sticking to just one thing today. The one thing that I personally prioritize over other things at this particular moment. Aid for Ukraine. Donald Trump, who is not the president, is using a minority of Republicans to block aid to Ukraine, to undermine the actual president’s foreign policy, and to weaken American power and credibility. Think about that statement. One man, with no elected office, has been given the power by a compliant faction of Congress to ignore the will of we the people to do what we promised and help Ukraine. The world needs democracies, not more dictators. And dictators never stop in their quest for more and more. This is a no brainer. Ukraine is fighting so we and the rest of Europe do not have to. Putin has been emboldened by our indecisiveness. He perceives us as unreliable, easily distracted. Easily dissuaded from doing the right thing. I read that a truly bipartisan effort may perhaps be under consideration to get around the faction that is threatening Speaker Johnson with loss of his job if he brings the funding legislation to the floor for a vote. An arrangement with Democrats that were he to bring to vote up, which would be expected to pass, they would in turn vote in support of the Speaker in any resulting effort to remove him from his position. Now THAT is true, constructive, for-the-country bipartisanship. Can we please just get one important thing done so we can regain some faith in our government? And the world can regain some faith in us?

▶ Created on February 29 by Debbie

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