Resistbot Petition: WHERE ARE WE GOING?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Things we would not have stood for just a few short years ago... A President refusing to concede defeat. A President not allowing his successor access to information that affects America’s national security. A President actively inciting violence for his own purposes. A President burning it all down. A Republican Congress, with few exceptions, going along with it all. Federal appointees using their office to promote and support the presidential delusion that our election was rigged. Elected officials using the power of their office to do the same. Applauding elected state officials who choose to do next to nothing to stop the contagion from blazing through their states. And who seem to consider constituents dying to be proof that their ‘freedom’ plan is working. The most fringe of the fringe conspiracy theory of QAnon now being represented in Congress. A mass delusion that has overtaken a large part of our fellow citizens. A pandemic that we’ve given up on. Which makes us not a winner. But the world’s biggest loser. All these things and so much more continue to shock and amaze. Our hall of mirrors, our house of cards, our theoretical adherence to truth, justice, and the American way has proven to be more flimsy than we could ever have imagined. This too shall pass. But the damage done may not. Ever.

▶ Created on November 16, 2020 by Debbie

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