Resistbot Petition: Do Not Subsidize a New A’s Stadium with Taxpayer Funds (Nev. only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Nev. only)

Do Not Subsidize a New A’s Stadium with Taxpayer Funds

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I oppose the state of Nevada spending taxpayer money (via tax credits or otherwise) to assist the Oakland A’s in covering a portion of the costs to build a baseball stadium in the Las Vegas area. I recently read in a local newspaper that there is a discussion about using taxpayer funds to entice the Oakland A’s to move here. I don’t see how this public-private partnership for stadium funding would directly improve the lives of most Nevada citizens. What do most average taxpayers get from this deal besides another sports entertainment venue? Sure, it would provide some jobs, but would they be long-term, livable-wage jobs with benefits? This state and city need to focus on enticing businesses and industries that offer better career opportunities for most citizens. Taxpayer funds should be spent on programs and services that will directly improve the lives of most people paying taxes. These include programs and actions to provide affordable housing, access to affordable healthcare, adequate public education funding, media and communication services, and other vital infrastructure needs. I am a Nevada taxpaying citizen, registered voter, and homeowner of over four decades, and I believe that decisions such as this should be put on a ballot to be voted on by the millions of registered voters of Nevada. After watching John Oliver’s piece on “Stadium Subsidy Criticism,” I believe this is an example of taxpayers being coerced into believing that subsidizing this venture is a good choice. It also leaves me with the thought that it simply directs taxpayer funds into the pockets of billionaires, constructing stadiums with little economic benefits for local economies.

▶ Created on May 5, 2023 by Mary

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