Resistbot Petition: WHAT NEXT?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I started off encouraging you and yours to man up and acknowledge Joe Biden as our new president. In the ensuring days since the election I have changed my mind. Now I’m a great believer in letting, as the GOP Congress is so quick say, the process play out. And play out it has. Much to your party’s ultimate embarrassment and discomfort. No voting fraud evidence. But your prez keeps hammering that conspiracy theory at every opportunity. To the detriment of high hopes in GA. Oh I expect y’all will pull it out of the hat, but it sure is fun to watch all the verbal contortions going on in the interim. The process has also illuminated what the majority of America has always known...your emperor does not have, and never has had, clothes. He’s showing every day that he is a cheap trick, an empty suit, a second-rate con man. A con man who until now has been protected by his myth and money. “He’s so incompetent that he cannot even succeed at being a loser.” The day’s best quote so far. So we sit back and watch the fizzling show. But on the other hand, Mr. Trump continues to tear down the government he leads. Creating chaos for the incoming administration. Trying to make certain that a Biden administration fights with one hand tied behind their back. This from a man who calls himself a patriot. Lord help us if it’s determined that we had something to do with the Iranian assassination. That would be the icing on the Trump cake. Blowing up the world would be his ultimate revenge for being an epic loser.

▶ Created on November 28, 2020 by Debbie

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