Resistbot Petition: NO PERMITLESS GUNS (Fla. only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Fla. only)


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Children are being murdered in their classrooms, their little bodies shredded by weapons of war. People are being murdered at the movies, in church, at concerts, at the grocery store, elementary schools, high schools, colleges... Florida news EVERY DAY is full of shootings, murders, road rage, & gun violence of all types. I come from a military family; a family of hunters... RESPONSIBLE GUN OWNERS DO NOT WANT PERMIT-LESS CARRY. We have traffic lights & speed limits to keep us safe. We have laws to keep us safe. We have rules at school and work to keep us safe. Everyone is required to register and insure their cars for safety. We all have to pass a test to get a driver's license, for safety. Allowing anyone to buy and carry guns for any reason without a permit endangers EVERYONE. It endangers our police, our first responders, our children, our friends and family, and our neighbors and fellow citizens. Allowing permit-less carry will negatively impact our economy because tourists will go elsewhere, where they can feel safe traveling with their families. People will stop going out again as a result of more gun violence in Florida. Vote NO on permit-less guns. Instead, show Florida you care about our safety and the safety of our children and grandchildren and pass common sense gun control that the vast majority of Americans want, INCLUDING THE MAJORITY OF GUN OWNERS.

▶ Created on March 29, 2023 by Kim

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