Resistbot Petition: IS AMERICA FIRST OR NOT?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I have two bones to pick these days. And they both involve the GOP. One is the treatment of women by your party. Two is playing politics over our national and world security. I’ve already hit topic one this a.m. On to topic two. The obstruction of GOP members of Congress in passing funding for Ukraine and others issues deemed necessary to our security. What we’re reading… “In The Atlantic, David Frum (the opposite of a liberal voice, who has criticized Democrats on immigration policy) pointed out that Biden and the Democrats have made a real effort to negotiate with extremist Republicans but the Republicans are simply refusing to engage. Frum concluded that Republicans do not want to make a deal. Either they want to perform a ritual in which Republicans demand and Democrats comply, or they want to keep the [southern] border as a campaign issue, or they actually oppose aid to Ukraine. And yet, Frum reiterates, majorities in both the House and the Senate want the supplemental aid package to pass.” So what’s the problem? Will your tendency towards compliance lead us into a hot war with Russia? Russian expert Fiona Hill expanded on that option. She said, “whether they like it or not, members of Congress are doing exactly the same thing as Vladimir Putin. They hate that. They want to refute that. But Vladimir Putin wants Biden to lose, and they want Biden to be seen to lose as well.” Not a good look, here or abroad. The echo chamber that the minority working against America’s interests operates in is not a majority opinion. They should not be allowed to wield their power against us. Lastly, Biden noted that Russian media outlets have been cheering on the Republicans. "If you're being celebrated by Russian propagandists, it might be time to rethink what you're doing,” he said. “History will judge harshly those who turned their back on freedom's cause." Congress is set to leave for the holiday break urged Congress “to pass the supplemental funding for Ukraine before they break for the holiday recess—before they give Putin the greatest Christmas gift they could possibly give him.” Don’t be a Santa Clause for Russia. It’ll be the gift that keeps on giving. To them. Not us.

▶ Created on December 13, 2023 by Debbie

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