An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Ariz. only)
1 so far! Help us get to 5 signers!
OPPOSE HB2014 which will strip 80% of funding from the voter-approved Clean Elections Commission. I am angry that the right of Arizona citizens to vote is being attacked again!
Why don't you demand that the governor get citizens vaccinated? Why is destroying voting a higher priority than protecting people from dying from a preventable disease?
HB2014 is an egregious attack on the right of Arizona voters to vote. Every time the majority of Arizona voters vote for something to protect Arizona citizens - the Arizona legislature tears it down!
If only the Arizona legislature and government actually wanted to protect and defend the citizens of Arizona. But you only protect the wealthy and the legislature.
If only somebody would shine a bright light on the dark recesses of the Arizona legislature when it votes against citizens and instead votes to protect the Republican MINORITY, for the wealthy. I dream of the day where these kind of blatant attacks on Arizona citizens will be laid bare.