An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Today I realized I must be feeling just like your average Russian citizen must feel when asked on the street to comment on the state of their leadership…’meh.’ For all the persistent efforts by the media, politicians, blaring headlines, life goes on. We hope for perfect. We get…’meh.’ We see a level of embedded emboldened enabled conspiracy within our own government in the attempt to overthrow the will of the people that boggles the mind…’meh.’ We see deranged influences fueled by paranoia and conspiracy theories allowed access to the highest office in the land. Given credence and validity and serious relevance. One of whom happens to be married to a Supreme Court justice who also seems to add a finger to the scales of Justice…’meh.’ We see distortion, propaganda, lies and dishonesty ripping our social fabric apart, all towards the goal of political dominance…’meh.’ When I read things such as this… “Behind the scenes, even some Democrats and liberals acknowledge that the electoral impact of the Jan. 6 probe could be modest. But they argue that the quest for the truth is vital in itself … “ Oh really? It won’t matter even if the biggest assault on our democracy is proven? An assault led and promulgated by a sitting president? It won’t change a thing where it matters…the victorious political outcome for the party who allowed it to happen on their watch? The ‘truth is vital’ seems an afterthought. And only of minor merit. A token effort. Because it used to seem important. Can I get a ‘meh’?

▶ Created on April 1, 2022 by Debbie

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