Resistbot Petition: PHTTTTTTTT

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. A quick note, because I have things to do, and theoretically so do you. Pass the national security funding coming before the Senate today. Otherwise we will see that you stand with Tucker Carlson and Putin over America. Simple. Stop talking about the border. Like Kristen Sinema wisely pointed out, if you want to keep yapping about a problem you have no intention of solving, go to Texas, stay out of Arizona. Because you are unserious people. And, just FYI Senator Cruz, every time you open your mouth with some opportunistic blather about how this that and the other has failed at whatnot or some such, I send more money to Colin Allred. You are nothing more than a shark looking for imaginary blood in the water, hoping to finally have someone listen to you. We’re not. Lastly here’s hoping your current front runner doesn’t get kicked off the ballot across the country. Because he is your reward for all your spinelessness and I really don’t want SCOTUS to solve the problem you’re responsible for. Y’all need a lesson in responsible leadership. Have a great day.

▶ Created on February 8 by Debbie

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