Resistbot Petition: WHAT DO YOU STAND FOR?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I’m really trying to wrap my head around something this a.m. And I’m not being facetious. The only thing I can figure out is that I’m in a different plane of reality from most in the congressional GOP. Liz Cheney, not anyone I would expect to be considered a radical, saw a wrong to her country and called it out by her vote to impeach Donald Trump. Now she is being pilloried, accused, admonished, reviled, and possibly punished as not representing her constituents, who feel ‘disenfranchised.’ These are the constituents who were fed the Big Lie of election fraud, by a president who refused to accept his loss at the ballot box. And because this president was so effective at establishing the Big Lie as truth in his followers’ heads, resulting in the violence of January 6 at the Capitol, Ms. Cheney chose to do the right thing for the country by not buying into the lie. How can supporting your constituents translate to aiding and abetting a proven falsehood? A falsehood created for the sole purpose of justifying an election loss. How can such constituent ‘support’ be justified with any clear conscience or moral clarity? Or even as doing your job to safeguard our democracy? How can a politician literally be expected to sell their souls for a lie, solely because the propaganda campaign, damaging to our country and deadly for the citizenry, was an effort of someone from their own party? And they should be willing to take that bullet to their country and their own humanity because party loyalty demands it. If this is the case, and this is the route your party takes going forward, you truly are doomed. Because you and yours are already the minority in the country. But I’m pretty sure the fringe y’all are catering to these days is even more so. P.S. governing by propaganda and lies is a proven loser. Just ask history.

▶ Created on February 3, 2021 by Debbie

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