Resistbot Petition: COWARDICE + CONSPIRACY = GOP

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Term for the day, week, month, always...Sedition Caucus. That would be the term for your colleagues who have signed on to the lie. And have not only signed on to the lie, but are actively promoting it, defending it, encouraging it, legitimizing it. Sedition Caucus. The faction actively attempting to overthrow the strongest pillar of our and fair elections. Because their candidate lost. Because their candidate lost and because their candidate cannot accept this reality, the conspiracy-theory of election fraud was begun. And has grown. And has been spun by your president so effectively, and without contradiction by most of you, that it has now taken on a deadly life of its own. And what is the manufactured result of this disinformation campaign? The Sedition Caucus, with their ‘concern’ for the Trump supporters who, because they have had the lie of election fraud beaten into their heads before the election even happened, believe their guy actually won. And they are unhappy. So because these supporters are part of a well-planned, self-fulfilling prophecy, the Sedition Caucus has sprung into action on their behalf. They know their cynical actions to upend a legitimate election are empty, but their own political self-interest is more important than truth or country. Any person attaching themselves to a malignant ideology over our democracy does not deserve to serve the country. They have no place in public service. They should be driven out. However, they do deserve a place in the history books. Under the title Sedition Caucus. Because the last thing they are are patriots. History will bear that out. But in the meantime, it’s sad your party has so few real patriots. Unfortunately, conspiracy theories are easier than courage.

▶ Created on January 3, 2021 by Debbie

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