
An open letter to the President

POTUS for God's sake--and for our children--no new drilling on public lands!

382 so far! Help us get to 500 signers!

President Biden, I’m writing as someone who voted for you. I’m a supporter. Having said that, I am deeply frustrated and disappointed that, after promising you would ban new oil and gas leasing on public lands, you are literally issuing an average of 10 leasing permits PER DAY. That is atrocious. Nearly 25% of US climate emissions stem from fossil fuel extraction on our public lands — and your actions are opening the door for Big Oil to spew even more methane and drive us to climate catastrophe. Turning over more public lands to Big Oil will not lower gas prices or alleviate suffering in Ukraine. It WILL lock us into decades of fossil fuels that our climate cannot afford. Upping the number of climate-destroying emissions from our public lands is not what I’d call climate leadership, but climate leadership is what you promised. To have any shot at combatting climate catastrophe, you must follow through on your promise to ban new leasing. No new drilling, President Biden, please. Our children are counting on you, and so am I. Thanks.

▶ Created on May 31, 2022 by Jess Craven

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