Resistbot Petition: Reverse Designation: Ethiopian Rights Violations under 1977 IFI Act, Section 701

An open letter to the U.S. Congress

Reverse Designation: Ethiopian Rights Violations under 1977 IFI Act, Section 701

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Dear Members of Congress, Secretary of the Treasury, & Secretary of State, as a concerned global citizen & advocate for human rights, I write to express deep concern regarding the recent decision to reverse the designation that Ethiopia is no longer committing human rights violations, contradicting the evidence & reports that demonstrate the dire situation in the Tigray region by the State Department in March 2023. The evidence on the ground suggests no full & unhindered humanitarian aid is reaching the affected population. The suspension of food aid in March has resulted in an alarming increase in hunger-related deaths. Tigray's Disaster Risk Management Commission has recorded 728 hunger-related deaths in three zones, with researchers documenting 165 hunger deaths in seven IDP camps. These figures indicate a humanitarian crisis demanding immediate attention. It is important to note that Eritrean troops & Amhara militia are still present & holding control over various areas within Tigray. The situation has worsened due to Grisly massacres, such as the recent massacre in Mariam Shewito, where more than 300 people were killed & numerous structures were set ablaze. These atrocities have not only intensified human rights abuses but also impeded the ability of internally displaced persons (IDPs) to safely return to their homes. The lack of accountability & justice for the victims & survivors is deeply concerning. Over 600,000 lives have been lost, yet no meaningful steps have been taken to ensure justice & hold the perpetrators accountable. Justice & accountability are crucial for healing & rebuilding the affected communities. As responsible global leaders, you cannot ignore the suffering of innocent civilians in Tigray. Reversing the designation of human rights violations appears premature, given ongoing reports & the critical need for immediate action. We urge you to reassess this decision & take the following actions: 1. Ensure full & unhindered humanitarian aid reaches Tigray's affected population by engaging with relevant stakeholders & addressing any obstacles or blockages preventing aid delivery. 2. Facilitate the safe & voluntary return of IDPs & refugees by pressuring the Ethiopian government to address the presence of Eritrean troops & Amhara militia in Tigray while demanding their immediate withdrawal. 3. Call for an independent investigation into the human rights violations committed in Tigray & support efforts to hold the perpetrators accountable. 4. Engage with the Ethiopian government to encourage meaningful steps towards justice & accountability, including the establishment of a transparent & impartial mechanism to investigate & prosecute those responsible. We respectfully request your immediate attention to this matter, as thousands of innocent civilians in Tigray are at stake. The United States, as a champion of human rights & justice, can play a pivotal role in reversing the current trajectory of the situation in Ethiopia.

▶ Created on July 11, 2023 by @TigrayWeeklyCTA

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