An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Well, that’s that I guess. I’ve been feeling so proud of American citizens. It seems we are still capable of unity and mutual sacrifice when we see a wrong. We are supporting Ukraine in every way available to us. Including acceptance of even higher energy prices as the cost of supporting democracy. Likewise, it’s also been hopeful to see some comity and cooperation and bipartisan efforts in Congress as we try to help the people of Ukraine. It’s been a fine example of what I believe to be patriotism. But my naive bubble has started to fizzle. Why? Because now I get to read that after days and days of GOP insistence that the Biden administration cut off oil to the US from Russia, which has recently happened, y’all are now pulling a classic Charlie Brown, Lucy, and the football maneuver. Now the attacks on Biden begin for his energy ‘failures.’ Don’t y’all ever get tired of being so utterly predictable? You know better than I the reality of the energy markets and what motivates and moves them. And it’s not the president, regardless of whether they are a Democrat or Republican. So why are certain of your party choosing this time to be so disingenuous? Sowing discord at a time when we the people are united against a common, real enemy in the form of Putin’s aggression? Between the elements in Congress playing inappropriate politics during a moment when they should be supporting solidarity, and Mr. Carlson on Fox pondering why we’re being so mean to Russia, it’s enough to snuff out the last ember of my belief that American leadership can still rise to the moment when called upon. Shame shame shame on all of you trying to play politics instead of being leaders. To basically be giving rhetorical support to the enemy by trying to create division in our citizenry in this moment of shared unity. The Kremlin would be proud. For shame.

▶ Created on March 10, 2022 by Debbie

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