Resistbot Petition: DO SOMETHING, ANYTHING

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. These are confounding times. It’s hard to even construct a coherent logical thought when things seem so incoherent and illogical. It defies a rational mind to make sense of it. Day by day we watch the definition of insanity in action. Action. Failure. Action. Failure. Over and over around and around the GOP goes. Just keep doing the same actions again and again. Hoping for the outcome that you’re convinced is the right one. Although the majority of America couldn’t disagree more. Why is it so hard for y’all to figure this out? The GOP has been destroyed. Zealotry is not America. At this point any sane Republican is just along for the ride. Either biding their time hoping the current dangerous disfunction will pass (how’s that working out?) or heading for the exit (maybe with a book deal in the wings?) or have left the party in disgust. You’re left with the politicians without spines or wingnuts without a plan to govern. Chaos is the plan. Chaos to destroy a functioning government. Chaos created and fomented and nurtured by your current front runner for the presidency. A front runner who has no qualms about outlining his crusade for retribution if he’s allowed back into the White House. Does anyone believe he will not do the things he keeps talking about? And who’s to stop him? Y’all didn’t stop him when you had the chance to. Now you can’t. He can find all the more-than-willing -bottom-of-the-moral barrel hacks he wants. He doesn’t need you. He doesn’t want you. But there’s apparently little recourse other than the American people to try and save our democracy from the current definite, obvious, outspoken desire to kill it in the cradle. We keep trying. And y’all keep telling us we’re wrong. We’re not. What’s it gonna take? I’m so afraid we’re going to find out.

▶ Created on November 10, 2023 by Debbie

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