Resistbot Petition: WHO’S GOT THE PROBLEM?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. You know how your side is always caterwauling about how the other side suffers from DJT derangement syndrome? That all they care about is punishing Trump for manufactured malfeasance? Well it’s nothing but obvious that y’all suffer from the opposite ailment. He can do no wrong, no matter the situation he finds himself in. Y’all go deaf, dumb and blind. So which position best serves the country do you think? If you were able to take a step back into the reality-based world, and take DJT totally out of the equation, how would you feel about the photograph we all got to see of portions of the classified info seized from Mar-a-Lago? Would it shock you then? Say if these materials were found in ex-pres Biden’s bedroom? Or anyone’s bedroom other than the man’s? Or more likely, it actually did shock you. As it should. If you are any kind of patriot. Because it’s absolutely shocking. So we’re left to wonder who it is that actually suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Those of us who look and see the danger posed to our country by an unaccountable ex-president? Or those who choose, every single time, allegiance to one man, one party, over country? Seems an obvious choice as an American citizen. Or it should be.

▶ Created on August 31, 2022 by Debbie

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