Resistbot Petition: NO CURIOSITY AT ALL?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Watching the Jan 6 committee gather steam as it continues its slow steady roll forward on behalf of democracy is enlightening. Every day brings some new revelation. Today I read this regarding Mark Meadows continued avoidance of telling us his side of the story of the events of that awful day. (Obviously he’s in it up to his eyeballs. And why he gets to claim executive privilege cover when neither Biden nor Trump has asserted it is beyond me.) “[Bennie] Thompson’s letter [to lawyer] outlined some of what Meadows has already shared with the committee, including “a November 6, 2020, text exchange with a Member of Congress apparently about appointing alternate electors as part of a plan that the Member acknowledged would be ‘highly controversial’ and to which Mr. Meadows apparently said, ‘I love it’; [and] an early January 2021 text message exchange between Mr. Meadows and an organizer of the January 6th rally on the Ellipse.” In the material was also an email from November 7, 2020, “discussing the appointment of alternate slates of electors as part of a ‘direct and collateral attack’ after the election,” and an “email regarding a 38-page PowerPoint briefing titled ‘Election Fraud, Foreign Interference & Options for 6 JAN’ that was to be provided ‘on the hill’; and, among others, a January 5, 2021 email about having the National Guard on standby.” Thompson’s letter noted that the information came from Meadows’s personal cell phone and email address instead of his government accounts, raising the question of whether this information went to the National Archives as the law requires. He also noted that Meadows had withheld “several hundred” emails and “over 1000” text messages, claiming they were covered by executive privilege.” And you’re still not concerned or even interested in hearing more?

▶ Created on December 9, 2021 by Debbie

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