Resistbot Petition: ENOUGH ALREADY

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Any idea when enough will be enough? Your guy is looking worse every day in his anti-American, anti-democratic behavior. I’m assuming he’s still on the premises. I hope he’s not still collecting a paycheck. Unless he gets paid by the tweet. Y’all are looking worse every day as well. To think that you’re putting up with this crazy behavior, and even furthering it in many cases, is not commendable. Now I see that Mr. Trump has summoned election officials from MI to the WH. A little one on one strong arming? Quid pro quo? Election subversion in plain sight. By the president himself. Guess he didn’t appreciate Mr. Giuliani’s sad performance today. The presser looked like the cast of Borat. But I do appreciate Senator Cornyn’s recent observation regarding the recent firing of an election security official for doing his job too well: “Sen. John Cornyn (R., Texas) said of Mr. Krebs’s dismissal: “It just adds to the confusion and chaos. And I’m sure I’m not the only one that would like some return to a little bit more of a—I don’t even know what’s normal anymore.”” I think that’s been the plan all along Senator. Get him gone please. For your sake. For your party’s sake. For the country’s sake.

▶ Created on November 20, 2020 by Debbie

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