Resistbot Petition: TEXANS WANT TO VOTE (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Clap clap clap. I applaud the successful coup that our Republican leadership is using against its own Texas citizens. I’m talking about the behind closed doors, middle of the night, rule breaking, do whatever the hell we want, shoving down our throats of SB7. Legislation designed to curtail, impede, and discourage your constituents’ right to vote. Legislation designed completely in support of The Big Lie of election fraud. SB7 is your solution to a non-existent problem. What you are doing goes against the wishes of the people you are supposed to serve. Instead, your service is to politics. Service to a lie. Service to lies upon lies. When a minority rules the majority, the only hope to hold onto power is to corrupt the system. Regardless of the damage done to democracy. Your actions are a dereliction. Shameful. We can only hope that retribution awaits in some form. Hopefully at the ballot box. You all need to find other jobs. And we need to be rid of your brand of ‘leadership.’

▶ Created on May 30, 2021 by Debbie

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