Resistbot Petition: WRONG IS WRONG

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Just now reading the WP Saturday evening drop outlining the past 20 days of the Trump administration’s assault on our democracy. An assault that has happened in plain sight. Aided by the abdication of the GOP Congress. Supported by the Republican Party. That such a subversion of our system has not only been allowed, but applauded, is depressing. That these actions against our own government, by the president, will apparently go unpunished, is disheartening. We should all be thankful that the actors involved are inept, and that democracy rolled over them and their attempts to overthrow a legal election. But it should not be that the actions of an American President to basically overthrow the government he was elected to uphold, have no consequences. Granted, he lost the election, and that might be censure enough, but it should not be that the highest official in the land, with all the power the office grants, be allowed to abuse his power to achieve his own, personal, dishonest ends. Why in the world would the rest of our citizenry be compelled to try and do the right thing in our daily lives when our president tried so hard to do the wrong thing? And continues to try and do the wrong thing? And would do the wrong thing all over again if he thought he might still have a chance to change an outcome he did not like? This, to me, is the greatest damage Mr. Trump has done to the country he claims to love. He only loves the country when he thinks it loves him. And we’ve seen what this president scorned is capable of. And this is just the past 20 days. God only knows what lies ahead until January 20. None of it will be good for the country. And most certainly none of it will be good for those of you still standing on the sidelines with your hands in your pockets and your voices muted. Not a good example of truth to power. And a very strange way to show love of country. But your acquiescence certainly demonstrates the power of cult mentality. Or battered spouse syndrome. Either way the silence is deafening.

▶ Created on November 29, 2020 by Debbie

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