Resistbot Petition: WHERE WILL YOU STAND?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA VS DONALD J. TRUMP Just when we were all wondering if America would survive the extreme tests we’ve been put through in recent years, the answer seems to be YES. Just when we were wondering if we still had the courage to do the hard things required to preserve our Republic, the answer seems to be YES. Just when we were wondering, while hoping, if our system of justice would work for ALL the people,the answer seems to be YES. Just when we were being persuaded that right no longer matters, that reality is whatever you can spin it to be, that the public doesn’t care about truth, justice, and the American way anymore, we are reminded of what makes our country great. Our laws. Our belief in justice. Our optimism that right will triumph in the end. And our good fortune to have people of integrity use our system in the pursuit of what we as a country profess to believe…that no one is above the law. No matter who you might be. So while we watch our system work, we the people should be so proud. Actions have consequences. And our process will ultimately decide what those consequences, if any, will be. And that is a good thing for the country. And the people who live here. This is our history in the making. As we watch, I’ll be keeping this comment at top of mind… “However, morally and politically, the entire Republican Party is a co-conspirator in the effort to overturn the election.” It didn’t have to be this way. What a shame.

▶ Created on August 2, 2023 by Debbie

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