Resistbot Petition: YEAH WE LIKE PROGRESS

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I’m writing today specifically to one of my Texas senators, Ted Cruz, to thank him for his recent comments on Fox News. Your explanation of why Dems did not meet their maker as predicted after Tuesday’s mid-term elections was spot on. “Why did the Democrats do better than expected? Because for two years they have governed as liberals. They’ve governed as whacked out lefty nut jobs. You know what that did? That excited their base. That excited a bunch of young voters.” You clarified that American voters seem to indeed want a whacked out lefty nut job governance. As opposed to a whacked out reality-adverse lie-backing civil-war inducing right wing nut job governance. So thank you for pointing out the obvious with your back-handed compliment. We the people couldn’t have said it better ourselves. Oh wait. We just did.

▶ Created on November 10, 2022 by Debbie

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