An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Senator Cruz. I really never thought you could top the decision you made to attempt to circumvent our democratic process by questioning the electoral college vote on January 6. And for damage done, that decision is actually the worst one. But you just keep making poor decisions. Fleeing to Cancun doesn’t qualify for the worst decision you’ve made. But it could very well be the most career damaging. We the people can be very simple in our retributions. And this is a story that every single thirsty Texan freezing in the dark can relate to. And condemn for the elitist action it was. And to throw your very own children under the bus in an attempt to save your political ambitions is beyond the beyond. This after not defending your wife, in any meaningful way, when she was insulted by you know who before y’all became besties. How humiliating for your family. Plus you’ve totally written the script for Beto and AOC and the Democrats to be doing the job for Texas that you should have assisted with. You screwed the pooch as they say. So I say, along with many others right now, if you don’t believe in the responsibility of government to its citizens, you should stay away from PUBLIC service. Lip service really doesn’t work for the majority of us. But Texas is thawing. We should all be thankful for that. Too bad you missed your chance to be a hero for your constituents. Instead of the current king of memes.

▶ Created on February 20, 2021 by Debbie

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