Resistbot Petition: HUBRIS VS REALITY (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. In a continuing quest to point out hypocrisy, which is a never-ending job, and to remind my elected officials that we, the people see you, I wanted to share. “The Texas Republican Michael McCaul, formerly chair of the House homeland security committee, spoke to CNN’s State of the Union. “The current plans with the federal assistance bill are to help the homeowners both repair, because we have a lot of water leaks a lot of water damage pipes bursting, but also [pay] their electricity bills as well,” he said. Host Dana Bash challenged him, saying: “I’m hearing you say that the federal government is going to help to bail out, and to pay bills in a state which is in part in this mess because it wants to be separate from the federal government. That’s kind of rich, don’t you think?” McCaul dodged the question, saying instead Texas needed to prepare for more extreme climate events. The deep freeze, he said, was “just a preview of what to expect if the United States doesn’t confront the climate crisis head on”. Rich indeed. But totally typical. The pain always trickles down. Energy companies make a killing. Pass costs for such an event as we’re still struggling with down the line to we, the people. Now chest-thumping Texas, and our Republican leaders, are turning to the devil, I mean the feds, to save our biscuits. Theater of the absurd, right here, right now. At least Mr. McCaul went on to say that the climate crisis needs to be addressed. Tiny steps forward. We really need to learn to close the barn door, before, not ALWAYS after, the horse is long gone.

▶ Created on February 21, 2021 by Debbie

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