Resistbot Petition: UP YOUR GAME PLEZ

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. “Reign of fear and loathing.” An apt descriptor of what we’re reading all day every day describing the GOP vision for America. Reading about a GOP-controlled House’s headline grabbing with the absurdity of its agenda. An agenda seemingly using the playbook from the McCarthy era to sow fear and paranoia as a governing tool. Where is the optimism for America? Progress and opportunity doesn’t come from fear-mongering or making the people distrust every single aspect of our society. And each other. Making the people believe that the country y’all purport to love and support (and work for) is really just a bastion of ineptness, corruption, dishonesty, and malevolent intent for political gain is hypocritical at best. And lazy at worst. Fear is the easiest tool to use. But instead of fostering this basic human tendency, why don’t y’all try a little kumbaya for a change? Unless you’re really just as scared as you hope the rest of us will be? But fear is counter productive. Fear is simple. Fear will keep us in our caves afraid to venture out and explore the world. But it sure does keep gun sales up. Not the best vision for America. Is that the best y’all got?

▶ Created on February 4, 2023 by Debbie

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