An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Closer and closer to salvation. If we can just make it to January 20 without further death and destruction. In the meantime, I thought y’all might explain the continued hesitancy to demand consequences for Mr. Trump’s assault on democracy. I speak as one of the majority of America who just cannot fathom the fear factor involved. As a friend recently put it, because seriously the rationale escapes everyone I know... “Republicans remind me of the battered wife who refuses to press charges against her husband who just beat the shit out of her on the belief that it will only make matters worse.” Lost popular vote twice One-term president Contributed to losing the Senate for you Impeached twice Largest bi-partisan impeachment in history Majority of America wants him removed from office Attempted numerous times to strong-arm Republican election officials to assist in overturning the presidential election Persistently lied to inflame his supporters about election fraud Incited same supporters to storm the US Capitol, endangering your lives and those of your colleagues, Capitol staff, and Capitol police Did not check on safety of VP Pence, even as his supporters were shouting ‘Hang Pence’ Has brought the GOP to its knees, with their willing and compliant permission But tacitly, you must want him to come back in 2024 and do it all again. Oh, and closing on 400K American dead from a pandemic that we were lied to about from the very beginning. Backing a loser of this magnitude defies logic. And if it’s because you want the kind of base voters on display in DC on January 6, you absolutely don’t deserve your jobs.

▶ Created on January 15, 2021 by Debbie

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