My father was a veteran of WWII, even a veteran of the Normandy invasion (he went in on the second day). So, to hear the American Vice-President this past week suggest to Germany that they now accept the political party that has downplayed the Third Reich and the Holocaust, is beyond belief for me. What is also beyond comprehension is how an American Senator can not rebuke him for this, publicly and loudly - your silence in the face of this means you support what he said. Did our fathers and grandfathers and great-grandfathers fight these wars all over the world to ensure a peaceful world? Or did they fight to now have an administration that appears to be working for the very forces they fought against? You cannot have this both ways, Senator - you cannot be silent in the face of something like this and still claim to uphold the oath of the United States. Your silence insults the memory of my father and the millions who fought and died to defeat the ideology that J.D. Vance this past week asked Germany to re-embrace. How can you look at yourself in the mirror on that one?