Resistbot Petition: Clarification needed on American Rescue Plan Child Tax Credits

An open letter to the U.S. Congress

Clarification needed on American Rescue Plan Child Tax Credits

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I am writing to you in relation to the expanded Child Tax Credit that is part of the "American Rescue Plan Act of 2021". I am an overseas voter, one of thousands that are your constituents, and one of 9 million non-resident US Citizens, entitled to equal protection before the law. I was disheartened to hear that the American Recovery Plan continues the US trend of tax measures that include "separate but equal" provisions that penalise taxpayers like myself based on our place of residence. Despite being double-taxed by the United States in addition to our country of residence, and despite the United States extraterritorial taxes being more punitive than those that apply to US residents, we are inexplicably denied access to the refundable portion of the Child Tax Credit & there is significant legal ambiguity over whether we can make use of the expanded credit on a non-refundable basis. I urge you to read the recent policy statement from Democrats Abroad (linked below). I also encourage your office to work with the IRS to publish a taxpayer-friendly clarification about whether non-resident taxpayers are eligible for the expanded credit. While I am writing to you today about a specific part of the tax code, please remember that the US system of taxing non-residents is deeply flawed, and broader reforms are needed. This (fixable) issue is but one example of a much larger injustice that has grown due to congressional inaction. We deserve a fair tax treatment. Link to Policy Brief:

▶ Created on May 27, 2021 by 9 Million US Citizens Overseas

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