Resistbot Petition: GOP = GRINCH?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Trying to wrap my head around finally agreeing with Mr. Trump about something. Give the suffering population more money. Even though it’s in lieu of serious leadership, it would help to have $2000 over $600. I say go for it. We know y’all could care less about expanding the deficit, so why not? You’re okay with private land grabs for a fantastically expensive boondoggle vanity project, i.e. border wall, so why not? You’re okay with the ridiculous 3-martini lunch deduction for the rich folk that will cost the country yet more needed tax $$$, so why not? You’re okay with many innumerable actions I find counter-productive for the country and its people, but on this I agree with your president. (Regardless of his intent, which I’m sure is anything but altruistic.) Think about the people suffering for a change. Give them back some of their hard-earned, dutifully-paid tax $$$. If now isn’t a time for fiscal compassion, I don’t know when is. In the meantime, watching the GOP eat its own isn’t the worst entertainment. It’s not like you weren’t warned. But regardless, I hope you all have a safe and merry Xmas.

▶ Created on December 24, 2020 by Debbie

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