An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Texas only)
Keep Public Funds in Public Schools!
66 so far! Help us get to 100 signers!
I am writing today to oppose any and all efforts to divert public tax money away from the Texas public school system and into the coffers of private schools.
There are a number of reasons why I oppose the privatization of the Texas education system:
- Public funds belong in public schools where they have proper and public oversight.
- Public schools have never been properly funded, making comparisons to private schools disingenuous and misleading.
- We already have a multitude of choices in many areas within the public school system.
- School vouchers will harm rural areas where public schools are the backbone of the community and primary employer.
- Public funds should not go to schools that can pick and choose which students to let in and which facts to teach.
- Private schools are not required to have any kind accreditation, properly licensed teachers, transportation, extra-curricular activities, or special needs accommodations.
For these, and many other reasons, I strongly oppose school vouchers, educations savings accounts, and any other plan to divert public school funds to private schools. Fund public schools! Pay public school teachers!