Resistbot Petition: LET’S KO PUTIN PLEZ

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I don’t consider myself part of America’s Silent Majority. I let my elected officials know when I have an issue. But most of us in this country do not. So today I’ll put voice to what I assume, hope, and pray many are thinking. We want Ukraine to win the war of aggression started by Russia’s one man ‘destroyer.’ We want Ukraine to win because they are fighting a war as a proxy for all democratically-aligned governments. For us. And we will support them until they do. In the scheme of all the things we spend our money on, this seems paramount. Without democracy, what would the world look like? I really appreciate all the strong GOP voices in leadership standing strong on this issue. To stand up and buck the strong stridency within your ranks is admirable. To not bend to the short-sighted goals of either politics (we all know who they are), or monetary gain (any talking head that spouts Putin propaganda), is the right thing for the country and the world. So please know that this constituent supports our goal of defeating despotism, death, and destruction. America is the strongest country on the planet. Anything we support can win. If we maintain our will. The voices within our ranks trying to make us lose our resolve must not succeed. Russian propaganda must not become American propaganda. In this case might truly can make right. Eyes on the prize please.

▶ Created on February 25, 2023 by Debbie

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