Resistbot Petition: TIME WILL TELL

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I expect today’s a day of firestorm in your mailboxes. Which will pass like all firestorms do. Then we’ll just be left with the repercussions of your votes to allow continued disenfranchisement of segments of American voters. And acceleration of the rolling back of years of progress made to ease voting. Progress which until recently was fully supported by the GOP Congress. But when you’re losing mass support, the rules need to be changed. So that’s what we’ll get to continue watching. “Voting rights journalist Ari Berman noted that the 48 senators who voted to reform the filibuster represent 182 million Americans, 55% of the United States population, while those 52 senators who upheld the filibuster represent 148 million Americans, 45% of the country.” Good luck with keeping the majority population under control by making it harder to participate in democracy. That is a proven way to stir up the grassroots. Especially when we get to read comments such as the one by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) when he assured reporters that concerns about Black voting were misplaced because: “African American voters are voting in just as high a percentage as Americans.” Good one. P.S. but one thing that brightens the day is the growing realization that your chosen GOP leader is apparently going to run for prez in 2024 in the hope of avoiding legal jeopardy. Are y’all going to continue to help him along that path?

▶ Created on January 20, 2022 by Debbie

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