Resistbot Petition: PAY AMERICA’S BILLS

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I wish y’all would just do your jobs for the American people so we don’t have to constantly be disabused of the notion that the GOP leadership in Congress knows what they’re doing. A constituent shouldn’t have to spend time trying to figure out how to persuade those who should know better to not play politics with something that should be a no-brainer. A no-brainer that has the power to wreak havoc with our country and the world. Pay our bills. It’s a simple thing. Save your fight for the next budget. The debt ceiling has been raised a myriad of times…many times under a Republican president without the sky falling. Or y’all squawking. We all have a responsibility to pay what we owe. It’s expected. It’s required. It’s demanded. And there are serious consequences if we become a scofflaw. An individual who behaves such with debt feels the repercussions…but only in their own lives. But y’all are attempting to take this to a whole other level. Please don’t use the House’s inability to get their act together with any sort of real budget hold the rest of us hostage. Performative politics are not the way to go for this issue. And please stop trying to convince us that the House demands are reasonable, that you are the aggrieved party in this drama. You are not. You are the chaos in the henhouse. Stop playing with the stability of our country and the individual lives of your constituents. We the people want our bills to be paid. So please fix this mess. I have cat videos I’d rather be watching.

▶ Created on April 20, 2023 by Debbie

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