Resistbot Petition: MORE USELESS BLATHER

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. More ‘socialist’ mewling from Republican senators. While y’all devote your days to brewing simple-minded conspiracies for the susceptible masses, adult leaders are trying to bring America and its citizens back from the precipice. Back from a lack of caring, lack of expertise, lack of human compassion and absolute dereliction of duty. Back from a pandemic that was allowed to burn out of control, with the complicity of most of your party in Congress. You and yours don’t appear to be helping with the effort. It seems quite clear that your vision of America doesn’t seem to come with a plan. (Haven’t we learned that ‘Just say NO’ is a lazy and ineffective mantra?) When the sole purpose of one of our political parties is to hold on to power by any means necessary, to forego any pretense of caring about the government you’re a part of, and not show any interest in the responsibilities of governing, what does that look like for America? (Not everyone thinks that getting a snarky sound bite qualifies as a good day’s work.) Caring for the country and its citizens, and helping both succeed, is not a bad thing. On the other hand, seeming to disdain the country you’re supposed to care for is absolutely a bad thing. I really wonder if you can tell the difference? So if the theoretical choice is between Socialism (your false definition) or Anarchy (Webster’s definition), I know which one I’d prefer.

▶ Created on March 10, 2021 by Debbie

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