Resistbot Petition: STOP THE CRAZY

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. So following up on the revelation that the Trump campaign actively colluded with a foreign country to affect the 2016 presidential election, we now have the formation of the America First caucus. Irony anyone? We have a radical caucus, in the name of America, being formed by die-hard acolytes of a president assisted in his election by a long-time foreign enemy. A radical anti-American caucus being formed within our own government. With the imprimatur of the Republican Party. But I suppose that obvious irony runs second to the white nationalist, nativist, bigoted aspect of this particular effort. Which is blatant, proud, and flaunting their ‘Anglo-Saxon’ pride for all the world to see. And all in the name of the American people. The vast majority of whom do not ascribe to such hate in the guise of patriotism. And all of whom (except Native Americans) are descendants of immigrants. Between the dangerous propaganda of Mr. Tucker Carlson and Fox News, and your particular brand of accepted radicalism running rampant through the halls of Congress, any ‘real’ Republicans left in your ranks should be scared. As we all should be. I guess, much like Nazi Germany, we’ll see which of you acquiesce and enable in scared silence. And which are brave. The perverted version of society that this radical faction is promoting never lasts. It always dies a painful death. But not without concerted efforts to confront and fight it. History has shown this to be true, time and time again. Even Kevin McCarthy realizes the danger brewing. But a nostalgic, passive tweet is not enough. As responders on Twitter noted Republicans are “the party of the Confederacy, white supremacy, Black voter suppression, Kremlin collusion, and violent insurrection. The party of Abraham Lincoln has become the party of Jefferson Davis.” Or better yet, “Let’s just call this America First Caucus what it is: the White Power Caucus.” Perception is reality. Is this where you want to be?

▶ Created on April 17, 2021 by Debbie

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