An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. More sound and fury signifying nothing expected in our Congress today. A border security plan that should be welcomed by the most conservative among you seems surely doomed. Doomed by misinformation. Doomed by cynical politics. Doomed primarily by the same guy who also couldn’t get the border solved when he held all the same cards he wants again. So here’s how it looks to an observer so far. A bill was negotiated by members, Democrat, Republican, Independent, in good faith. One side gave up a main pillar of their past lines in the sand, amnesty for Dreamers, while the other side got way more than they ever achieved in 40+ years. Some say this plan was always going to be DOA, not because the solution offered was bad, but because it was tied into funding for Ukraine. The border was just a car to chase, with the expectation the dog would never catch it. Then when the House Speaker thought he would be smart and allow a stand-alone vote on aid to Israel only, it failed. He thought he could play politics, but without the skill actually required. Now we see that today, perhaps, Chuck Schumer will bring the border bill up for a Senate vote, but with the expectation that political cowardice has finally invaded those ranks as well, and it will likely fail…BUT he has a plan B. He will introduce a stand-alone vote for all the national security funding originally asked for, which includes Ukraine, but no border. So, I’m hoping that may pass, it’ll get sent to the House where we’ll see what they’ll do with it. Protect our national security and our allies? Or decide it would be too much of a win for the Biden administration? Democrats made concessions they never have before, because of the importance of funding for our security and the world’s. They made concessions that their colleagues and constituents most likely hate. Concessions for country over politics. And what did you concede? The best border deal you’re ever likely to get. Ever. I’ve said it once, I’ll say again. Y’all are bad at deals.

▶ Created on February 7 by Debbie

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