
An open letter to the President & U.S. Congress


It's about 3 months into the recent iteration of Israel's barbaric genocide across occupied Palestine. I stopped writing these letters with you in mind a long time ago- it's clear to me how little you value anyone's life other than your own. I write you daily, and will continue to because I made a promise. I will not forget what I have witnessed. I will not forget the time I witnessed a child's last moments in horrific agony. Their tiny body was mutilated by melting burns only chemical weapons like white phosphorus munitions laced with God knows else will do. Because of the total seige of Gaza, all the injured and dying go without anything to ease their suffering. I remember thinking at the time I wasn't sure if I hoped the child lived or died. I desperately prayed God would take away their pain- moments later I watched them take their last breath. That was the first time I've ever witnessed another human being die. Since then, I've witnessed countless acts of torture, violence, and death by Israel's hand. And, I've witnessed you do nothing as the entire world cries out in horror. I've tried begging, shaming, and educating you to try and get you to stop this. I've tried praying, with aching sobs, that God would open your heart and eyes to the magnitude of human suffering you are enabling, cosgining, and funding. Each day that passes, I witness. I will not forget. I will not stop demanding you end the genocide of Palestinians and cut off Israel from their slush fund of my tax dollars that's been bankrolling countless war crimes. You can keep trying all the tactics you've been using to shame and punish those that advocate for the human rights of Palestinians, but I will not stop speaking out against this and all who are party to this genocide. Call for a ceasefire right now. Every moment you delay, the stain on human history only grows. The world is watching. None of us will forget what you do or don't do next.

▶ Created on January 4 by Sarah

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