Resistbot Petition: FLORIDA TRUMPS(!) TEXAS

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Gosh. I’m trying really hard to not engage with crazy these days, but Senator Cruz, you make it impossible for me to maintain apathy. Senator Cornyn, I see and appreciate you traveling to Texas with President Biden. Actions speak volumes. We need federal assistance, regardless of knee-jerk reactions by those who don’t matter. Rep. Pfluger, I don’t know your stance on anything yet, other than your unfortunate vote in Congress to challenge the election results. But knowing your district, where I live, I expect you and I don’t agree on some things. Like challenging election results based on a concerted campaign of lies and misinformation. But I digress. I’m here tonight because I watched one of my senators, at CPAC, joke about his Cancun adventure, diss a democratic congresswoman who raised millions for Texas while he was racing back to Texas once he got busted by Twitter, and swearing that Donald Trump ‘ain’t going anywhere.’ Geez. What a circus in Florida. All the losers in one big room. It’s like we have half of Congress that serves another president entirely. Not to mention if you’re there, you’re not in DC voting on the massive Covid relief bill. That in itself, speaks volumes. But I gotta admit. The golden Trump statue is awesome. The red white and blue boxers are stylin’. And I, along with the creator, hope it ends up in the Trump Presidential Library. It would be perfect.

▶ Created on February 27, 2021 by Debbie

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