Please support the Bird-Safe Buildings Act (HR 1986/S 791)!
121 so far! Help us get to 250 signers!
I am writing to urge you to support the Bird-Safe Buildings Act (HR 1986/S 791), which promotes bird-friendly design features at federal buildings.
North America’s bird populations have declined by 3 billion birds in the last 50 years and we must do more to bring birds back. This bill is a great step toward implementing the changes needed to save the hundreds of millions of birds killed every year in the U.S. by colliding with buildings.
This cost-neutral legislation works hand in hand with state and local efforts to address building collisions, including "lights-out" programs in our cities during spring and fall migration to help birds safely navigate our night skies, and guidelines that promote bird-safe construction in the private sector.
With threats to bird populations increasing, now is the time to do everything we can to minimize hazards facing birds. The Bird-Safe Buildings Act is an important step in that direction, and I urge you to cosponsor and support this legislation. Thanks!