Resistbot Petition: WHOSE SIDE IS SEN. GRAHAM ON?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Friday. And so much in the headlines. It’s enough to send one to YouTube to search out puppy and kitten videos. First, I think the GOP needs to have refresher courses in ‘Loose Lips Sink Ships.’ Just because you think something doesn’t mean you should say it. Lindsay Graham being the latest example. Who doesn’t think a Putin assassination would be warranted? It’s one thing for me to sit here in my chair and mutter to the TV on the subject. It’s quite another for a representative of the U.S. government to get on prime time and suggest it to the world. Glad he’s not in charge of psychological warfare. He basically gave Putin all the justification he needed to keep on his current oath. When even my most bombastic Texas senator, Ted Cruz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Laura Ingraham think you’re nuts…trust me, you’re nuts. Then we are reading yet another in-depth expose of pre-planning for 2020 election overthrow in the WaPo. This one on the movie-villain machinations of Roger Stone. How these guys get, keep, and expand their influence and prosper through constant grifting is fascinating. Stone and his ilk make their names and fortunes off of trying to destroy the very country that allows them to act so vilely. Luckily, so far, none of them have succeeded. But they’re still out there trying. What a world. Okay back to reading about how Russians in Ukraine are having trouble convincing relatives in Russia that the war is real. That their lives are in danger. That cities are destroyed. That innocent civilians are dying. Russian state-run TV is telling these relatives just the opposite. And they are believing the propaganda because that’s what they’ve been fed for years. Believing fake news over their own blood. Sound familiar?

▶ Created on March 4, 2022 by Debbie

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