An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I’m just wondering what it is Congress might be doing these days that is actually to the benefit of the American people. Point in question, Senator Lindsay Graham. Who it seems lost his mind when we lost John McCain. He thinks he’s Dick Tracy. From the WP today: “Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) started off the day by saying he had talked with the secretaries of state in Arizona and Nevada, in addition to the conversation he had acknowledged earlier with Georgia’s top election official. A little later, Graham realized he had misspoken. He had actually talked to Arizona’s governor and some other officials, he said, and he wasn’t sure which officials from Nevada had briefed him about that state’s 2020 election procedures. Finally, by midafternoon Tuesday, Graham realized he had never spoken to anyone from the Silver State about its 2020 vote. “I didn’t talk to anyone in Nevada. I got briefed about what they do in Nevada. I can’t remember by who,” Graham told reporters in the Capitol. This is the state of Graham’s solo investigation into election laws in states that President Trump narrowly lost in this month’s election.” For real? This is how he’s spending taxpayer money? On Quixotic loony quests that will go nowhere? He should go back to his day job. I totally understand how working with Donald Trump would drive one to drink. But maybe he needs to dry out for a bit? Something’s not right with the man.

▶ Created on November 18, 2020 by Debbie

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