At first it was very encouraging to hear that the United States put forward a U.N. resolution for a ceasefire in Gaza but after learning more about what was in it - or more to the point, what WASN’T in it - it seems like it was a whole lot of nothing. No wonder it got vetoed, voted down, and criticized all around.
A “ceasefire resolution” that still allows for an attack on Rafah isn’t really any such thing. The resolution condemns Hamas which Israel wants and which is fine but it’s pretty wishy-washy about condemning Israel for bombing and starving a whole lot more people since October and continuing to do so. This is not really going to satisfy anyone who wants to see the U.S. draw a line with Netanyahu.
If you really want to do something that will satisfy people, don’t just say you want Israel to do this or not do that. Just stop giving them military aid and tell them they won’t get any more until they hold new elections and get the IDF out of Gaza.