Resistbot Petition: IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Are you enjoying the news as much as your constituents are these days? Raped 10 year olds, pregnant, but ineligible for an abortion in her home state. But where does the GOP turn their wrath? To the doctor who still has human compassion and the desire to do what she took an oath to do. She is not sequestered in her ivory tower throwing meaningless words around or making edicts from on high in how half the population will now be living their lives. She is dealing with the consequences of your actions. Or how about the woman forced to endure 22 hours of labor to deliver a dead fetus? Because her home state would not allow otherwise. Or women sent home from the ER with real-time miscarriages to just wait for nature to take its course? Or sent home with an entoptic pregnancy that will have absolutely no viable outcome, but will only cause pain, suffering, and possible death when it ruptures? Or even better, the Idaho GOP that has decided that a fetus has more rights than its mother, so no abortion exception for her health? God’s will. Nature’s course. We are the pro-life party. But you are not. You are the party of inhumanity, barbarity, and cruelty. A party that would not let a dog suffer the way you expect us to. It’s good to be a man isn’t it?

▶ Created on July 19, 2022 by Debbie

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