Resistbot Petition: GOOD MEN DOING NOTHING

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Nothing like ringing in the New Year watching an attempted coup being fomented in our nation’s capital. Large amount of House Reps on board. A handful of Senators on board. Mr. Trump winging back early from his holiday vacation to marshal his subversive troops. Of course I’m speaking of the continued effort to overthrow our recent presidential election. Meanwhile...hospitals in CA triaging patients in hallways. Scenarios being described as being like MASH. There is no going to the ER with a heart attack. You will not be seen before you keel over dead. Or you will be sent home. If you have Covid and don’t require a ventilator, you will be sent home. There is an actual war going on in America. In Texas, we’re supposed to be able to go out and get a vaccine if we’re over 65. So where are they? No one can find one anywhere that I know of. We were promised salvation. By Mr. Trump’s administration. Where is it? We’re unemployed. We’re hungry. We’re sick. We’re scared. We can’t hug our families. We’re drinking too much. Taking too many pills. Killing ourselves from despair. But still, we have Republicans staging a fiasco in Washington. Nothing will change. But Mr. Trump can feel special regardless. Then after that embarrassment, we can move on to the giant rallies being organized in the streets of DC. Proud Boys in the streets. Other patriots in the street trying to overthrow their government. With guns. With heads full of lies. I can count the number of Republican Congress members who are standing for America and the democratic process on one hand. You and yours have destroyed your party. And you are trying to destroy the country by your continued enabling of a monstrous president and by your silence. We all know the outcome. Joe Biden will be sworn in on January 20. In the meantime, lies, violence, burning down the house you live in...your party’s death throes are taking the rest of us down with you.

▶ Created on January 1, 2021 by Debbie

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