Resistbot Petition: DO BETTER THAN THIS

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I seriously wonder why I continue caring. I read the news. I see strong and persistent and ever-revealing evidence that an American President tried his damnedest to overthrow our democracy for his own egotistical needs…but what’s to be done? Republicans shrug. He didn’t succeed so what’s all the fuss? It’s really the Democrats who are to blame for everything anyway. Damning reports are issued. From the GSA showing, what? Tacit collusion with a governmental entity that allowed Mr. Trump to continue his DC hotel operation, even though it illustrated the sort of conflict of interest not allowed by the Constitution? Showing preferential treatment by a major lender to him, Deutsche Bank, presumably because he was then President? Senate reports showing he repeatedly and persistently used the DOJ to attempt to overthrow the 2020 election. Phone calls. Letters. Every kind of modern communication you can name was used to further his mission to take back an Oval Office that was not his to take. It’s all there for the world to see. The only strong arm technique not used was the proverbial horse head in the bed threat. Then there’s January 6. Insurrection in plain sight. With no excuses made. But your party is fine with all that. All that. Because I can count on one hand those who think Mr. Trump ever crossed the line, and still maintain that view. Others initially acted as any concerned American would after the events of January 6, with horror and well-founded outrage, but eventually lost their nerve and scurried back to the safety of the herd. Where they continue to live in fear of the world’s biggest loser. To think that your world actually believes there’s a viable chance in hell that such a man would ever be allowed back in office is completely delusional. Just because factions of your party are louder than the rest of us, don’t believe that indicates a majority sentiment. You’d be as wrong about that as you are about most everything else you’ve chosen to believe recently. I just don’t understand how a political party, rooted in love for country and patriotism above all else, has allowed themselves to end up in such a place. Not only end up in such a place. But try so hard to stay there. How desolate you must feel. And for what.

▶ Created on October 8, 2021 by Debbie

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